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Launch of the Institute for Global Negotiation

Thursday 17 March 2022 at 18:30

Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich

After eight years, we are pleased to announce that the Global Negotiation Conference (GNC) has changed its name to the Institute for Global Negotiation (IGN). 


The IGN will remain a Swiss non-profit association and continue to pursue its aim of improving the understanding of the nature and processes of global negotiation among students at the tertiary level, academics and practitioners. The IGN will be hosted by the Chair of Political Philosophy at the University of Zurich and the Chair of Negotiation and Conflict Management at ETH Zurich. It will therefore move its seat from Bern to Zurich.  


The change of names culminates a reorganisation of the association that took place from 2019-2021 with the support of Stiftung Mercator Schweiz and facilitated by Social Innovage. As part of this reorganisation process a new Advisory Council has been established who will advise the Board on matters pertaining to the activities and programmes of the IGN. The members of the Advisory Council are:


  • Michael Ambühl, Chair of Negotiation and Conflict Management, ETH Zurich 

  • Catherine Ashton, Former Vice President of the European Commission and former High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

  • Adil Najam, Inaugural Dean, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies; Professor of International Relations and Earth & Environment


The IGN will continue to host the annual GNC as well as expand its activities in the field of global negotiation. These will include facilitating the exchange and collaboration between individuals and institutions engaged in the theoretical and practical fields of global negotiation through a new IGN Member Series that will begin this September. 


An official launch event for the IGN will be held online and in Zurich this November. 


Copyright © 2023 Institute for Global Negotiation

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