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Our platform aims to highlight outstanding work by junior academics and share practitioners’ real-world negotiation insights. If you have an interest in exploring how negotiation can build a more equitable, peaceful, and sustainable world, find out more about submitting your work below.

Journal for Global Negotiation 

The Project


The IGN’s Journal for Global Negotiation serves as a platform where junior academics and practitioners can share their negotiation experience, analysis of negotiation processes, and engage in the public discourse around negotiation issues of global concern. The Journal aims to showcase innovative perspectives from diverse backgrounds, with a particular focus on nurturing an inclusive, international and interdisciplinary exchange. By fostering collaborations with universities and NGOs across the world, our goal is to highlight outstanding work carried out within graduate programs and the negotiation experiences of on the ground practitioners. 

Our Objectives

  • To provide a dynamic platform where junior academics and practitioners can share their research and first-hand experiences of negotiation.

  • To support junior and non-native English-speaking authors to reach the full potential of their manuscripts.

  • To actively facilitate submissions from graduate students and practitioners through partnerships with universities and NGOs.

  • To foster a collaborative space for innovation in the field of global negotiation.

  • To increase the diversity of voices contributing to our knowledge of negotiation.

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Editorial Team


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Frederik Nuehnen

Project Coordinator

Julia Gubler
Editorial Assistant

Filippo Martini
Editorial Producer


Mila Grönros


Francesco Cruz Torres

Editorial Manager

Board of Editors

Members of the board of editors review the submissions for the Journal. We are delighted to have five highly qualified individuals in these roles: Elayne Whyte, Jack R. Williams, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Monique Carels, and Primitivo III Cabanes Ragandang. 

Costa Rican Diplomat and Academic at Johns Hopkins SAIS​

Elayne G. Whyte is a diplomat and academic. Currently she is a Professor of Practice at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). In her diplomatic career she has special experience in the fields of security, human rights, regional integration, foreign policy making and implementation and global governance. She was the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa and served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations


With extensive expertise, she has a longstanding history of navigating policy and legal negotiations on national, Latin American, and global scales. Moreover, she has spearheaded numerous negotiations to address legal gaps and foster cooperation within the universal human rights framework and the global health agenda, particularly within the World Health Organization. In the field of international security and nuclear disarmament, in 2017 she was the President of the United Nations Conference that negotiated and adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which entered into force in 2021.  


Elayne was a Fellow at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Scholars Program and at the Advanced Leadership Initiative. She has also served as Adjunct Professor at the International Law Department of the United Nations-mandated University for Peace, as well as in the School of International Relations of the National University of Costa Rica. Beyond public service, she has served as the Executive Director of the Mesoamerica Integration & Development Project, which coordinates and delivers social and economic development projects across the Central American region and as a senior consultant on regional integration, security, human rights, development and democratic governance for international organizations and academic institutions.

Elayne Whyte

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"I envision this space as a platform to promote innovative thinking, where we can explore and develop new approaches to negotiation"

– Elayne Whyte   


The Journal for Global Negotiation accepts two types of submissions. Submissions are currently open for both.

1. Original Articles

Work that explores topics in the field of Global Negotiation (broadly defined) and that is carried out as part of a graduate program. This could include a case study analysis, a thematic analysis, an examination of negotiation issue, or the development of a new theory. 


Original articles are accepted through recommendation by faculty members as well as our partner universities and programs (see "Partners" below).

2. Negotiation Reflections

A personal reflection on a negotiation process that the author was directly involved in or has direct knowledge of (e.g. through interviews with parties to the negotiation).

To submit either an original article or negotiation reflection please consult the IGN Publication Guidelines and send your manuscript to journal@global-negotiation.org


The Journal for Global Negotiation partners with university faculty members and programs, which are then able to nominate outstanding work by their students in the field of global negotiation. In addition, we also partner with NGOs to facilitate the submission of practitioners negotiation experiences.

You can find out more about becoming a partner here.

For more information on how partnership possibilities and organisational matters, do not hesitate to reach out to our

Project Coordinator Frederik Nuehnen via frederik.nuehnen@global-negotiation.org

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