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Environmental Policy

The IGN is acutely aware of the dangers posed by the climate crisis and the need to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, the IGN has committed to monitoring and reducing our emissions in line with the Climate Neutral Now Pledge. 


Climate Neutral Now is an initiative launched by the UN Climate Change in 2015, aiming at encouraging and supporting all levels of society to take climate action to achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement adopted the same year.


As an international institute the major source of our pollution is generated by students and speakers travelling to attend in-person events. To address these we are committed to i) hosting online events wherever possible ii) promoting the use of public transport by offering waivers/support to attendees who travel by train instead of aeroplane, iii) ensuring that we limit our use of international speakers who attend via aeroplane, and iv) offsetting through certified projects all of the emissions generated by our activities.


To calculate our emissions we use myclimate (flights) and the Carbon Footprint Calculator (train). We compensate our emissions through myclimate who ensure their climate protection projects meet the strictest, most independent quality standards (CDM, Gold Standard and Plan Vivo).  


Copyright © 2023 Institute for Global Negotiation

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