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Johanna Olbrich

Project Fellow

Johanna holds a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the Philipps-University Marburg, along with two Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science from the Leuphana University Lüneburg and the Université Paris-Est Créteil. Her academic expertise centers on governance structures and protest movements. In her Master’s thesis, she explored the interaction mechanisms between protest movements and political institutions in France, while her Bachelor’s thesis analyzed Libya’s security sector to assess the country's state stability in the aftermath of 2011.

Driven by her strong interest in international cooperation and governance, Johanna recently completed an internship at the German Embassy in Paris. She is particularly passionate about conflict mediation and inclusive approaches to conflict resolution.

After participating in the Global Negotiation Conference 2023, she contributed to the success of the GNC 2024 as a member of the Conference Team. Since September 2024, she supports the Head of Communications in managing the IGN’s external communication as Social Media Officer.


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